Flower Shows

The Botany Belles & Beaus Garden Club has held over 35 flower shows and has a reputation throughout WGCF for excellent shows.

In 2017, the club top honors in the state for its flower show titled, Reaping the Harvest. The 2018 show "Celebrating 50 Years" scored very high and is now under consideration for state honors.

The club was recognized for its 2013 Flower Show titled "Under the Big Top." Wisconsin Garden Club Federation awarded the club the Best Standard Flower Show in 2013. The club then took the first place Standard Achievement Award for all Standard Flower Shows submitted throughout the USA from the National Garden Clubs. Quite an accomplishment for a small club.

Why sponsor a flower show?

Sponsoring a flower show is a lot of work but it has many benefits. Club members (and members of the community) have the opportunity to show the items they have grown in their gardens, whether it be flowers, vegetables, house plants, or trees and shrubs. Informative displays on gardening topics or garden club projects can be included. Club members also participate in design classes creating floral arrangements based on certain criteria. Imagination comes in to play.

A garden show also promotes the love of gardening by exposing the public to the variety of plants that can be grown locally and to ways of designing with plants.

The flower shows sponsored by the Botany Belles and Beaus are considered Small Standard Flower Shows.

Judging of our shows is done by trained and certified judges.

Always a lot of work but well-received by the public.